Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year 2009 - etc

Here everything looks bright for 2009.
So said the 3 Cigar fellas.
That was on Dec. 31 - 2008.

Since then, Anna and papa have had the Gastric Flu
- also in English named Stomach Upset.

This short post is just in between.... say no moooooore.

Returning as soon as I can sit before my computer for a while---

Happy New Year to all my Family and Friends around this Planet.



Blogger Sandee said...

Feel better you two. Having the flu is no fun at all. Big hug to you and Anna. :)

January 03, 2009 8:14 pm  
Blogger lime said...

ugh! feel better soon!

January 03, 2009 9:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Toraa and Anna...look at it this way my poor friend...2009 can only get better from here!! God bedring!!!

January 03, 2009 10:07 pm  
Blogger Puss-in-Boots said...

Not a nice thing to have at this time of the year. It's going around down here, too. I haven't had it (touch wood) but other family members have.

Hope you're both feeling better soon...not a good way to start 2009.

January 03, 2009 10:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flu through Europe, it sounds! Some departements know it particulary in France and my daughter in finland had one too! I had one 2 weeks ago when I was at le Casino de Bandol le restaurant and I couldn't play with others on the machines à sous because I had to come back at home in a VERY short time! Too bad! It was the first time I could play in a Casino!!!!

January 03, 2009 10:45 pm  
Blogger Maribeth said...

Oh mt dear, you and Anna take very good care and feel better soon.

January 04, 2009 12:24 am  
Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

So sorry to read that you and Anna have had this Gastric Terriblenss....(I had something quite awful at the end of November that was one of THE WORST Stomach things I have ever had....! Hope yours is not so terrible, my dears....

How did I survive what?? Evrryone that comes to my house knows they must be "well" or they cannot come, because of my compromised lungs.....So, Everyone WAS Well...!

January 04, 2009 12:25 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look after yourselves, and get well soon! Very soon!

January 04, 2009 12:41 am  
Blogger Shadow said...

happy new year to you too!!!! those cigars look enticing!

January 04, 2009 11:26 am  
Blogger Ingrid said...

Poor you ! that's terrible !
Hope it gets better soon !

January 04, 2009 11:34 am  
Blogger Shammickite said...

Get back to the bathroom, Tor!

January 05, 2009 12:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for sparing us the details :)

January 05, 2009 12:44 am  
Blogger MaR said...

So sorry to hear this but it's so funny to read the comments!!
The wonderful card arrived safely! thank you, I love it!
Get well soon, you two!

January 05, 2009 8:08 am  
Blogger Ginnie Hart said...

Ohhhh. I'm so sorry, Tor. What a way to start the New Year. Well, maybe you're getting it done and over with and the rest of the year you'll be healthy! I hope so.

January 05, 2009 11:20 pm  
Blogger Shionge said...

Thanks for the update Tor, you take care ya.

January 07, 2009 1:15 am  
Blogger Joy Des Jardins said...

Oh Tor....I'm so sorry you have the flu. That's no way to start out the New Year is it? I hope you are feeling better now. A lot of flu and colds are going around all over. I've had a cold since a couple days after Xmas. It's a lot better now. Please take care. My best to you and Anna. I hope 2009 is very good to you both. I hope it's very good to ALL of us. Love, Joy

January 07, 2009 4:32 pm  
Blogger Suzann said...

Happy New Year - I hope you are both feeling better. How is the Wild Rice supply??? Love and hugs to you and Anna.

January 09, 2009 5:08 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

A very happy 2009 to you and Anna! I hope you are both recovered from la grippe very soon!

January 11, 2009 4:02 pm  

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