Transport - Mandags / Monday theme
Transport is very important for a modern society.
In fact it's basic for high level logistics.
This is the Aquaduct over the river Tarn, near Millau, France. Photo taken Saturday, August 1 - 2009.
When we passed here first time in the 1980'ies, we had to go down from the Mountains, pass the Town of Millau and the climb up again. The bridge saves a Truck with food and other necesarry other goods at least 1 - 1,5 hour in driving time. Besides lots of noise and pollution in the Town itself.
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In fact it's basic for high level logistics.
This is the Aquaduct over the river Tarn, near Millau, France. Photo taken Saturday, August 1 - 2009.
When we passed here first time in the 1980'ies, we had to go down from the Mountains, pass the Town of Millau and the climb up again. The bridge saves a Truck with food and other necesarry other goods at least 1 - 1,5 hour in driving time. Besides lots of noise and pollution in the Town itself.
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Labels: Aquaduct, blog flux, mandagstema, Millau, public transportation, toraa
Wow, it's very, very tall and very, very impressive looking. I wonder how much revenue was lost in the town though. Just a thought.
Have a terrific day. Big hug to you and Anna. :)
Thanks for your comment on my blog.
What a beautiful photo of the spectacular Aquaduct you show us today.
Ja, hva hadde Norge også vært uten broer! Det hadde blitt mye inn og ut av fjorder. Noe som hadde gjort transportetappene mye lengre:)
@Petunia: And not to forget all the Tunnels;-))
This bridge is stunning! When my son sent a picture of that bridge two years ago I did not believe that it was a real bridge but thought it was some architectural fantasy work! But it is real :-)
Takk for flotte ord Tor. Det er ikke alltid nåtidens teknologi er til hjelp heller desverre. Man må vel bare lære seg å kose seg med det og de man har rundt seg. Verden kan være et urettferdig sted... Flott bilde foresten :))
We go south to see our sons quite frequently. I remember the first time we saw the bridge - it took our breath away. It still does! That's a superb shot, Tor. Much better than any I've been able to take.
What a great photo of an architecture piece of art - a great contribution to the theme!
and the pic was taken just a couple of days before our Blog Gathering :-)
Wow, for en flott bro!
Totally amazing!
For en vakker bro:) Som hjelper oss å komme fram dit vi skal:)
Det der var litt av ei bro!! Blir helt salig, jeg, når jeg ser på ingeniørkunsten bak det! Og så flott å få det på bilde!!
Aqueduct? It also carries water? That's unusual! You see some interesting things.
What an amazing looking structure...fantastic!
Flot bro, jeg håber den er mere sikker end Tacoma-broen.
Da ulykken startede fik den lokale Farmerbank travlt med at fjerne deres reklametavler:
Farmerbank as sure as Tacomabridge!
Det var en utrolig lang bro som ruver voldsomt i terrenget, men med tanke på miljøhensyn overlever man sikkert :)
That is a feat of engineering
Jeg synes, at broen passer godt ind i landskabet, og at køre på den må være en stor oplevelse ;-)
Åååå de er såå nydelig!
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