Oslo in Advent
20 Days since Christmas
To day it is 20 days since Chrismas. Alle xMas decorations have to be stewed away, to be left unseen until first Sunday in Advent 2007- Sunday December 2. This is a short cavalcade from downtown Oslo, December 2006. Hope you still have good Christmas memories.
The Christmas tree at The University Square. To right the Salvation Army's collection boxes
The icerank downtown
3:30 and the sun is down
New and old architecture
From Karl Johans gate - The Parade street of Oslo
Last Sunday before Christmas I took a drive in to downtown Oslo to buy some Christmas presents. Mostly paperbooks and soundbooks (Very pleasant when driving). Here are some shots from the tour.
Last Sunday before Christmas I took a drive in to downtown Oslo to buy some Christmas presents. Mostly paperbooks and soundbooks (Very pleasant when driving). Here are some shots from the tour.
Labels: advent, christmas, icerank, karl johan, norway, oslo
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