Stompa - where are you?
We have not seen nor heard from him since last Thursday Afternoon. We have all been looking and called for him. He have never been outside here before.

We know he recalls the sound of our Car. We know he knows our voices.
We have announced we miss him at our local communiy web-site, on Facebook and on (Animalnet).
So far in vain.
Stompa, where are you? We all miss you so much. Family Friend for 10 Years.
Cats on Tuesdays here.
I think I just post and call for him again, so please excuse me for not commenting as I should.
I think I just post and call for him again, so please excuse me for not commenting as I should.
Labels: cats on tuesday, Stompa
How far is his other home from there. Cats sometimes try to go home. I'd keep notices in store bulletin boards because somebody may be feeding him and see it. We have gotten cats back after weeks; so it can still happen.
I hope he shows up soon. I liked Rain's idea about posting on bulletin boards and such. Sometimes that works wonders.
Big hug to you and Anna. :)
Here kitty, kitty, kitty, where are you Stompa? (How do you call cats in Norwegian?) Leave some cat food on the porch and hope he will came back.
Knowing cats, he will show up some morning and appear irritated like you were the one who went missing. Pour him some cream and declare that all has been forgiven.
Your efforts looking for Stompa is admirable. Hope he shows up soon.
Gosh...I hope he'll find his way home soon....:'(
Stompa, find your way home!!
J'espère que Stompa va revenir.
Stompa come home!!!!
This is really very strange if he jumped 3 m down from a veranda he must have been a little knocked out, but then he couldn't go so far. I don't know if you have lots of neighbours around, where he could hide, but he probably would answer if he hears your voice. I really don't know what to say, that's an awful situation ! That's already 4 days. When Arthur got lost we asked at the police and also in the nearby animal shelter ! Have you done this ?
Hopefully Stompa will remember he has 9 lives and needs to come back and finish them all...with YOU! I wait for good news soon....
This is so painful. When my daughter’s cat went away she printed his photo on about 25 flyers and posted them all around her neighborhood. She found him about 8 days later. She never knew where it had been but thinks that someone had found him then saw the flyer. I hope you find him soon.
Uff, det der er kjipt...vært i samme situasjon. Prøvd også? bra side, med mange treff, funnet og savnet.. De har også ferdige plakater man kan laste ned i pdf format når man har skrevet savnet annonsen.
Bor han egentlig langt unna?
Katten til ei venninne dro tilbake til Grønland i flere uker ifjor, da han nettopp hadde flytta opp til Sagene.
Lykke til, håper dere finner ham!
hilsen Sara Mårds
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