Thursday, November 30, 2006

Going to Copenhagen

This afternoon I'll go by ship from Oslo to Copenhagen. It's work. I head a IT conference on board. Friday I'll visit the Christmas Market in Tivoli.

In the meantime, I post this "questionaire", a posting category which seems to be quite popular around.

News - Information

There is lots of Broadcasting, Radio- and TV-stations, papers, books, magazines and friends and working pals and customers that gives you news and information every day. But what is news and information. It can be touchy and close to you and can be so far fetch from daily life you even do not think about it. However, ”news” and ”information” forms your life, preferences and opinion.

So try this one (be honest) I will post my answers when back from Copehagen.

Who is the most reliable, english spoken TV-News Channel to your opinion?

Who is the most objective, english spoken Newspaper to your opinion?

Who is the most political, english spoken TV-News Channel to your opinion?

What about Radiostations? Just post it (Cause it’s so many out there)

Do you trust your friends more or less than media concerning political observations?

Do you often, seldom or never read political, deep analyzes?

If so, what do you read?

Do you trust ”Hollywood Star Reporters”?

Do you, from time to time, often or never, communicate rumours about friends?

Do you, from time to time, often or never, communicate rumours about neighbours?

Do you, from time to time, often or never, communicate rumours about family?
Do you, from time to time, often or never, communicate rumours about X-family members?

Have you ever been to a meeting/event/public session and read about it the Newspaper/seen it on TV afterwords?

Did the journalist give the same experience that you had?

Have you ever thought about what’s the ”thruth” and whats ”that’s the spesific medias opinion” and ”this is my chance as journalist” and what is objectivly what really took place?

How objective can you be about yourself? (in your biography meeting St Peter or whatever God – not on the blog)?

Will you participate in B4P? (blog for peace)?

Have a Great Life.

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Blogger Unknown said...

hope you have a wonderful trip. Can't wait to hear about it!

November 30, 2006 7:26 pm  
Blogger TorAa said...

Hi ET, you know I promised a reportage from the Tivoli XMas market. Sitting here aboard 14 m/s wind from Sout-West, which means the highest wawes in the Nort Sea.
Do you still have snow in Vancouver?

November 30, 2006 11:21 pm  
Blogger RennyBA said...

Wishing you a lovely trip and hope to go with next year!

Please keep us posted on this heavy questionnaire!

I'm in to B4P for sure! Let's make plan for it when we go to Sweden together next weekend:-)

November 30, 2006 11:42 pm  
Blogger cheH said...

Oh what a questionnaire!I wish I can answer them right here,right now

Anyways,B4P I'm with you!:)

Have a safe trip!

December 01, 2006 12:13 am  
Blogger Raquel said...

Hi Tor, happy trip. Don't forget to take lots of pictures.

December 01, 2006 11:41 am  
Blogger TorAa said...

0211 am All CUSTOMERS IN BED. Life is good, Thanks to you all. Merci

December 02, 2006 2:10 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

thanks Toraa for keeping me updated. :) and I'm happy I inspire you!

December 02, 2006 3:57 am  
Blogger Ginnie Hart said...

OHHH, 2 great cities and we, too, went by ship from one to the other! :)

Such a great questionaire, Tor, and one that would be good for a discussion group. It definitely makes you realize how much we need to "consider the source" every time we hear something!

December 02, 2006 7:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aha! Danskebåten!
God Tur!!!!!

December 02, 2006 9:01 pm  
Blogger Ingrid said...

If you are home, tomorrow is "Cats on Tuesday" maybe you have something to say ?

December 04, 2006 5:30 am  
Blogger TorAa said...

@Gattina: I'll post a small one on cats and another from Tivoli xMas Market.

@AL: Det var en fin tur.

@Ginnie: Thanks - and information sources - you're right.

@ET: One day I'll buy a camera your quality to pass on impressions like the one from the Tivoli xMas Market.

December 05, 2006 12:21 pm  

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