Oslo February 27 - 2009
I did start working from my Home Office this Friday.
Looked out of the Window - Sun from a more or less clear Sky.
I thought, that you my dear reader should, for once, experience some of the views I do have between Home and Office.

Today, it was mild, blue Sky but still Ice in th Container Harbour

It is years ago since we had that much Ice in the Oslo Harbour.
Here it's how it did look like in Autumn/Fall of 2008.
And here is something very different from our Planet Earth (Mrs Lifecruiser)
Looked out of the Window - Sun from a more or less clear Sky.
I thought, that you my dear reader should, for once, experience some of the views I do have between Home and Office.

Today, it was mild, blue Sky but still Ice in th Container Harbour

It is years ago since we had that much Ice in the Oslo Harbour.
Here it's how it did look like in Autumn/Fall of 2008.
And here is something very different from our Planet Earth (Mrs Lifecruiser)
Labels: nature, Norge, Norvege, norway, oslo, travel, winter
Lovely photos, I love the blue sky. and the fact that I'm indoors when seeing that ice.... *giggles*
Strangely enough, I liked those winter photos better than the ones in November.
Our snow have melted away a bit, but not completely. I have high hopes for sunny weather to come. We actually saw the sun today too, totally unbelievable, it has not been often this winter, so we're very happy to see it again!
We've actually decided to be good and start to go to bed earlier in the evenings and up earlier in the mornings to get more daylight. We're trying hard, sometimes we succeed, sometimes not... *giggles*
Great pics of a wonderful winter scenery!
Of course I notice the wonderful sunny weather today too - but also the hour of snow storm - so we had it all today :-)
I've noticed Mrs. Lifecruiser's idea of going to bed earlier to get up to the sun in the morning - a brilliant idea!!!
Have a great weekend and tons of hugs to Anna :-)
Love seeing your view from the home office window. One of these days I hope to see it personally right there in Oslo. Have a happy weekend dear brother.
Wow Tor, these photos are incredible. I can't get over the VERY blue tones. I would really enjoy this view as long as I was warm and with a hot chocolate in my hands.. :)
God morgen Tor :)
Duuuu, her titter jeg innom for å se dine undervannsfoto over Oslofjord - og jeg må si du har gjort en flott jobb ;) Herlige bilder :) På Photohunt innlegget mitt i dag har jeg selv brukt lommekameraet mitt, men det tror jeg ingen ser. Man tager hva man haver ;)
Og så måååå jeg jo bare skryte papa (og mama) huden full av vakreste Ingelin datteren. Hun er bare heeeelt nydelig, og et prakteksempel på at her betyr ikke kamerasort noe som helst. Hun hadde vært like herlig knipset med simpleste engangskamera, eller dyreste og mest avanserte Nikon ;)
....og papa og mama - jeg ser jo på dere at hun har de beste gener :)
Ha en flotters helg. Vi trosser værvarselet og forventer oss sol, sol, sol :)
I just love the view on ice. I find it beautiful and stunning. I like to see that on window once again!
It looks cold to me.
The clear blue sky is so pretty. Looks like summer.
So much ice! I hope it melts really fast.
We had 9C and rain yesterday morning, and this morning it is -17C!!!! Brrrr!
Ice in Oslo, snow in Trondheim. I can't remember having so much snow! Will it ever melt?
Oh, what a beautiful view! I love the blue sky with the white snow.
I love the second Pic!!Its amazing!
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