PhotoHunt -Feb 7 - 2009 - Bridge(s)
Hello all PH friends, I did avoid playing Bridge this weekend. My stock of Cards remains in the Summerhouse. LOL.
In fact, I spent my time to find some Bridges from here and there in my different files on my computer storages (yes. I have several) . Alle the photos in this post are taken by me or Anna.

(Yeah, we have crossed this famous bridge - photo taken by Anna)
Bridge for me means building/creating connection. From end to end.
I ended up with physical connections. Some very old.
Please take your time, even this is a Photo Hunt. You can learn something that most of your friends and neighbours did not know. By clicking on the Links given. You have the whole Weekend. To enjoy. Your comment will be of less value than your curiousty to learn more.

The first one is very old, build by the Romans. Le Pont du Gard. In Southern France. Orginally it was a Water Bridge, but also for people and horses to cross over the River Gard. Yeah. The Water canal is on the top. Suplying stabel fresh water to the crops year around.
Anna is there. How come?

And here too, Anna.
This is the Bridge to the Bath in one of the most renowned fiords in the World: Geiranger Fiord. During the very short Summer season, more than a hundred Cruise ships do visit each year.

This Stone Bridge is not that far away from the Photo above. With other words, it's from Norway. All the Stones are locally picked and shaped. Several hundred years ago.
I'm amazed by the effort and planning and will to build a Bridge like this, you can see the local stones at the Riverside. They, who build the Bridge had to, and did find the right stones. Impressing.
Can you see Anna? Click to see the spectacular Mountains in the background. There is a peak, that are next to unclimbable.

From Mountains in Norway to New Holland, Dutch Village, in Michigan, USA. Here you see a fishing enthusiast fishing from a tiny Bridge.

Well, going into the Nature is not allways easy for People who are dependent on Wheel Chairs. This is from the Music and Instrument Museum at Ringve in Norway. A Bridge to the Museum.
OMG. It seems like Anna has been there as well. Can you please join my next Bridge, which is on the intellectual side:
And interview with Mrs Lifecruiser .
Then Mrs lifecruisers's blog about the interview .
We have created bridges across borders.
More Bridges here at Photo Hunters.
In fact, I spent my time to find some Bridges from here and there in my different files on my computer storages (yes. I have several) . Alle the photos in this post are taken by me or Anna.

(Yeah, we have crossed this famous bridge - photo taken by Anna)
Bridge for me means building/creating connection. From end to end.
I ended up with physical connections. Some very old.
Please take your time, even this is a Photo Hunt. You can learn something that most of your friends and neighbours did not know. By clicking on the Links given. You have the whole Weekend. To enjoy. Your comment will be of less value than your curiousty to learn more.
The first one is very old, build by the Romans. Le Pont du Gard. In Southern France. Orginally it was a Water Bridge, but also for people and horses to cross over the River Gard. Yeah. The Water canal is on the top. Suplying stabel fresh water to the crops year around.
Anna is there. How come?
And here too, Anna.
This is the Bridge to the Bath in one of the most renowned fiords in the World: Geiranger Fiord. During the very short Summer season, more than a hundred Cruise ships do visit each year.
This Stone Bridge is not that far away from the Photo above. With other words, it's from Norway. All the Stones are locally picked and shaped. Several hundred years ago.
I'm amazed by the effort and planning and will to build a Bridge like this, you can see the local stones at the Riverside. They, who build the Bridge had to, and did find the right stones. Impressing.
Can you see Anna? Click to see the spectacular Mountains in the background. There is a peak, that are next to unclimbable.
From Mountains in Norway to New Holland, Dutch Village, in Michigan, USA. Here you see a fishing enthusiast fishing from a tiny Bridge.
Well, going into the Nature is not allways easy for People who are dependent on Wheel Chairs. This is from the Music and Instrument Museum at Ringve in Norway. A Bridge to the Museum.
OMG. It seems like Anna has been there as well. Can you please join my next Bridge, which is on the intellectual side:
And interview with Mrs Lifecruiser .
Then Mrs lifecruisers's blog about the interview .
We have created bridges across borders.
More Bridges here at Photo Hunters.
Labels: blog travel women, bridge, bridges, france, nature, Norge, Norvege, norway, photo hunt
The stone bridge is wonderful, and the mountains also
I've walked across the Golden Gate Bridge. It's an awesome structure.
Have a terrific weekend. Big hug to you and Anna. :)
A wonderful collection of bridges! Love your photos. That stone bridge is very beautiful. Thanks for visiting mine and have a great weekend!
Lovely bridges!
The bridge in Southern France is usual and is my favourite.
I love your photo collection of bridges. Thanks for sharing! Happy Weekend!
The Le Pont du Gard is looking magnificent!! :)
Le Pont du Gard looked like a great place for a romantic stroll :P
lovely bridges! you put mine to shame...i need to travel more. yours are so worldly, i love it!
Lots of photos from all over the world but have to say I like those from your home country of Norway best! :)
I've always been partial to stone bridges, Tor and that's a nice on your photohunt post.
I love the variety of bridges here!!
These are wonderful photos of bridges!
Happy weekend!
Wow that's a wonderful selection of bridges. I really would like to see the Pont du Gard. Happy weekend
Excellent choice(es) to the theme and also nice to read your story about them!
Wishing you and Anna a great end to your week :-)
I like these bridges. They made me think of a quote I read this morning--you can't cross a chasm in two short hops. It came from a British fellow but I can't think of his name. I suppose the human mind has extended its ability to hop with the bridge!
Great selections for today's theme!
Great choices of bridges for this week!!
Have a great weekend.
Nice selection of bridges ! old and new once !
From your collection of bridges i'm most in love with the stone bridge :)
Great shot!
Mine is up! Take a look!
Have a great weekend! :)
Nice array of bridges, Tor!
Thanks for stopping by :)
Så många vackra broar du bjuder på.
Jag älskar gamla stenbroar.
Ha en fortsatt skön helg!
these are all great finds! Lovely photos.
So many versions of a "bridge". All great photos. Mine is up, come on by.
Great bridges Tor. I love the Pont du Gard in particular, I always have. It's quite a sight.
Wonderful collection of bridges!
Great collection of bridges. The Le Pond du Gard looks very interesting.
Interesting collections of bridges - and a couple from Norway! I have been in Geiranger (by car) - a beautiful place!
Thank you for your nice comments on my blog! And you are right; I try to let my pictures tell the story - if there is a story! That is not always the case.....:)
oh i love that stone bridge. something so old makes me wonder how many people crossed it in all the long time it has existed.
Wonderful pictures, I do like stone bridges :) Thanks for visiting my blog :)
Hei, Tor! Og tusen takk for inmari hyggelig besøk. Jeg ble rent tørt, jeg, av så mange godord for bildene mine. Tusen, tusen takk.
Så moro å titte innom bloggen din - masse flotte bilder - og ikke minst: inpirasjon til fremtidige feriemål. Og flotte brobilder!!
Vi elsker å farte - men kjører helst og camper i bilden underveis. Norge har til nå vært vårt nummer en ferieland (vi er bl.a helfrelste på nordnorge og Finmmark) - men vi kommer nok og til å kjøre mer og mer utenlands etterhvert. Det fine med biltur er at man får med seg så utrolig mye. Vi stopper stadig for å knipse :) Du har kanskje allerede sett min manns blogg? Johns photoblog?
Så fint innlegg du hadde laget om Ruben lengre ned her. Jeg kjente tåreklumpen i magen. Uendelig trist det må ha vært å miste han så altfor tidlig. Men jeg ser at han likevel lever videre i et hav av gode minner :)
Ha en fin dag, og takk for meg - som titter innom igjen :)
Great variety of beautiful bridges, old and not so old. I love Le Pont du Gard, it just looks so rustic and I'm sure steep in history.
A very interesting entry with loads of information. Thanks for sharing. Thanks too for visiting mine. :-)
A good collection of bridges from all around the world! I wonder what your next post will be!
so many beautiful bridges!!!! Et le pont du gard bien sûre! And I love specially the last one which is important too! I can't understand why there isn't a such one in front of my école maternelle!
havent been playing ph for a while,i think it will be fun to participate again :)
nice pics of bridges Papa Tor!big and small!and they show how much you travel :)
i have an award for you btw.i hope you have some time to claim it :)
What a WONDERFUL Post, Tor...Very interesting choice of "Bridges" and so very many beautiful places....
I DO love the guy!
ALL of them are terrific, my dear. And I love the idea of 'building Bridges across the miles, too....
My dear friend Betty G. wrote a song about just that, many many years ago---She was waaaay ahead of her time in the sense that there was no Internet nor were there Blogs....!
Not to worry about the Time Zones for the party...Somehow, it always works out wonderfully....I know you will have a GREAT GREAT Time!
I love the idea of you wearing your "Virtual" Tux...!
As you might guess, I have been to the Holland town in Michigan. Every year growing up I would go to the tulip festival in the spring and get a new pair of wooden shoes.
Those are wonderful photos of different bridges but of course I am loving the stone bridge!
An excellent post with so many beautiful Anna.... and bridges.... *giggles*
My fave is Pont du Gard - one of the places I've wanted to go - and will go to in August!!!
*smiling big*
Great selection of photos. I'm fascinated with the bridge built by the Romans. It must have a very rich history. The stone bridge is also beautiful.
This is a wonderful post. I feel like I am transported into Norway when I read your posts! I like the old stone bridges best.
Thanks for visiting my Photo Hunt last week. I am finally catching up!
This is a wonderful post. I feel like I am transported into Norway when I read your posts! I like the old stone bridges best.
Thanks for visiting my Photo Hunt last week. I am finally catching up!
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