Grandpa Vagabond goes from Norway to Chile
Anyone who knows a bit of Geography knows it is a very long way from Norway to Chile. In fact very long. Both in distance and travel time. There are no direct flight connections between the two countries. For me Oslo – Frankfurt – Saô Paulo – Santiago
Travelling time is about the same as by car from Oslo to Paris.
Let this wonderful bird represent my travel experiences. Time difference is 4 hours from Central European Time.
My journey started in Frankfurt, Germany.
Due to the fact my wonderful grandchild Leander celebrated his 3 years day end of October. It is nice to be “bestefar”. Herefrom his Kindergarden.
In Frankfurt I also met my travel companion, and our good friend Sylvien.
The Flight from Frankfurt to Santiago was with Lufthansa to Saô Paulo. GRU
There we changed our flight to TAM with destination Santiago.
Last time I was in Santiago was in 1997. I was very eager to know how the city looks like in 2012.
No doubt, Santiago is a modern Metropole.
We stayed in Sylviens Appartement in Las Condes – the better part of the City. Prepared our own dinners based of fresh food.
My regular readers I’ve been often in US the past years – and visited shopping malls there. Well, I think US- markeds have something to learn. Wall Mart has a chain there – Lider, but they have to learn… Photo from Lider. We were not allowed to take photos in the Shops!!!
We arrived the day before the Holy Day, when they in Chile “celebrate” their dear dead ones. We went to the Zoo.
And to Cerro San Cristobal - splendid view over Santiago. Do you recognize the Pope?
We had a short lunch here
Wonderful view. Do you see the snowcaped Andes Mountains on top of the Photo?
.. before we went down to the city along to curvey road
Just a tiny rest on our walking way down. Sylvien loves hats.
Several piqnic areas down the hill
Down from the Cerro. Beautiful street – green and well maintained. I like.
OK my dear blog friend – this was from my first day in Santiago since 1997. End of October 2012. (I love Flowers)
Hope you will follow my trip to other exciting places in South America.
Greetings from Grandpa Vagabond
PS. My voyage to South America become a reality thanks to my very good friend Sylvien. And with 100% support from my beautiful wife Anna. What a gift for me as newly retired. I’m really greatful.
There will be more to come, so stay tuned
All Photostaken by me and those of me by Sylvien.
Where's Anna? She didn't go with you? What a shame. I guess she's still working?
Have a fabulous time. :)
What a fabulous trip! Beautiful pictures, Tor! I LOVED the picture of the Penquins....Wonderful, Wonderful!
You are really enjoying your retirement, aresn't you? Good For You!
What fun trip, Anna has a huge heart. I am so glad you visited "my" corner too, saw pics on fb but they were "public" and I abstain from commenting on those... paranoia, I know!! Looking forward to more pictures
Wonderful pictures!
Ser ut som ei fin og koselig reise du er på. Kjekt at du deler opplevelsane i bilder til oss :))
Koselig bestefar bilde....det er lykke :))
Koselig at du besøkte bloggen min.
Ha fortsatt fine dagar.
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