Arriving Oslo by Ship a November Morning
You are hereby invited to join my experience when entering Oslo by Ship on Saturday Morning, November 26 –2011. With Photos and a few Words.
See the follower? Just before 9 AM . What a Hunt.
We are followed – Who will be the Winner?
This Island – in fact several, used to have Oil Tanks when I was a little boy. And it’s a saying: The Sun allways shines on Steilene, the name of these tiny Islands. To day you can stay overnight here in old style seaside and Light Houses.
In the distance you see some typical Hills around Oslo. The White Building to the Right: Here was Oslo Airport until 1998.
This is Southern part of the Penninsula where I lived for 30 years.
It was an Island, but due to the raise of the Land after the last Ice Age it is now a Penninsula.
During the Oslo Blog Gathering in 2010, we had a common Dinner in the White Building just in the Center of this Photo. We then took photos on the Ship from Land, this time from a ship towards land and Hills.
Dyna Light House and Foghorn. I remember when as a little boy , Iwas in our Garden, less than a Mile away a foggy afternoon and heard the “Sorrow Sounds” from here. Two Days later: Whooping cough. A Token? To Day it’s Restaurant… In the Summer
The Ship is bringen us closer to the Capital of Norway: Oslo
What’s going on here? Are they building a new part of the City?
Be Aware. It’s lot’s of challenges to arrive Oslo by Boat.
This Ship that looked so tiny – just before in Oslo, Norway
Can you see the Ski-Jump in the Center of this Photo? Holmenkollen. The competions there attracts several 10k attenders every year, since more than a 100 Years. It so easy to get there with Oslos metro systems. You can walk as well. In my Childhood we did walk down -35-45 minutes...
Enlarge the Photo and you will realize how close it is to the Down Town
Here you can see Oslo City Hall – and some Hills
The Blue Sea, the Hills and what you do not see: The capital of Live Music in Northern Europe..
See, how Green it is? Where I grew up. Blue and Green and four Seasons. Oslo – Norway
250 meters away is were the Ship arrives. Here is only one of Oslos’s several Marinas.
Have a great life everybody, regards Tor
PS. Hope to meet you in real life
Labels: oslo Norway travel