A Saturday in July 2007 ps. This is a time jump
We arrived Visby and Gotland Island in the Baltic Sea (Sweden) on a Saturday Evening. Nothing special about that. We thought. We arrived at Nynäshamn and waited 20 minutes before the ferry headed out for the Island.. Three hours with the speed ferry - with our
car and canoe.
Only, we had not booked a place to sleep - hotel. During the summer months, that would be a wise thing to do. Special for the weekends. And this weekend - all youngsters from the Capital of Sweden, Stockholm, did have their summer party in Visby. We did not know. hehehe.
We asked at the Tourist Information:
- What hotel do you recommend for people our age?
They looked at each other...
- There is no hotelroom left here in Visby, you better go North.
Well, so we did. By road 149.
Asked everywhere we observed a sign with a bed. After 10 pm, it's a sort of panic around...
This is the Sunset from Fårösund - Kustparken
- Sorry, can't help you. All occupied. Drive North.
We did drive North. Same message 7 places (Villages). Anna sent me a certain "eye".
- It's nearly 11 pm.
- We will find something, I said, (I'm allways looking at the positive side of life)
We at last came to the ferry to Fårö - then I observed a sign with a bed. We drove out there- to Kustparken at Fårösund. (
Kustparkens hotel)
- Do you have a room for two persons for one Night?
- hm, well, sorry, Michael said - butt?
- Have you any idea where there can be a room for this night?
- Well, let me think - no - no
- We have sleeping bags, I said ....
Then we walked out the door. What to do? Sleep in the Car? Well, we were convinced that would be the solution - and went towards our C5-car.
Suddenly Michael (the owner) ran towards us and asked:
- Do you have a tent?
- Yes, I replied, why do you ask?
- If you want, you can set up your tent just here, on my lane for one night.
We of course, said - yes, thank you very much.
Tent picked out of our Car. First time. Never raised it before. And we started to assemble that "thing". At the platform 15 meters away - 45 feets - was the Saturday Nightclub.

Lots of people. Looking at those old people trying to put up a tent. Anna in the inner tent. Me fighting with the outer tent. Around Midnight. In the lights from our Car.
After 39 minutes Michael came back:
- Do you have some problems?
- Yes, we said
After closing time - *giggles*
- Well - if you do not manage to assemble your tent - I can offer you to sleep in my Office. But You have to have a look before accepting. OK?
- Yes, I said - and followed him to the office.
The rest of the story:
We accepted. Brought in our sleepingbags - went to the night club and bought some white wine.

Then went to bed. And slept very well.
What did we pay for this overwhelming service?
Office view - the morning after
Zero - no nothing.
-Then I told
Michael: I'm a blogger. I will do a post about your hospitalty and caring and service.
Breakfast? We had to tell the waiter: We have stayed here for free, hence pay for the Breakfast.
The answere was: No. - - - But we payed. Some dollars.
The platform, from which at least 27 people were amused by the Norse trying to raise at tent. We had breakfast out here the very next morning
A wonderful place. And wonderful people. You may now have seen some pictures from Kustparken.
Thanks to Michael Söderberg - we did survive in comfort.
To read more about this wonderful region and what's going on there -
Mrs LifecruiserLabels: gotland, night club, Sweden, tourisme, travel