Marie Louise - 90 -
October 12I have the honour to celebrate my Mothers 90 BD. And share it with my dear blogger-friends.
Not all people around this Globe will have that opportunity.
Photo taken Saturday Oct 10 - 2009.All her Uncles on her mother side emigrated in the late 1890ies from Norway to "Promised Land"; it was North Dakota. As far as I know, all her Family has left that state.
Yesterday, on Saturday Oct 10, we celebrated her. In fact is was a double celebration.
My daughter Ingelin had her BD the day before.
We were only the closest family. Had a dinner, given by my son Niklas in his home.

Here Ingelin is about to decorate the table. As you might observe - there is one more in her body that we have not yet seen;-))

Sebastian really wanted the Tabel too look First Class before his grand grand mother arrived.

He had to check it out for himself. Baloons - hehe- guess who made them this seize?

We had real Champagne - of course. From left: Kaya, my Mother, Ingelin and Anna.

Just after the Wellcome refreshment, we went outside to see
Niklas 40 BD Gift. A new Bike.
Wow - that's something we did not have in my younger periode of life....
Let me tell you, my Mother and I talked and talked about old times.
We forget for a while the rest of the family sitting around the table
... just us
When I was about to be born, in April 1945, at the Clinic, just before I could see the world:
The Air-raid warning alarm was on the air. (at the end of World War 2)
That was really tough, my mother said.
But, she was the only that stayed calm.
And here I am, blogging with you. Hurray.
Now, you can understand more about who I am, born with an Air-raid warning Alarm ,-))

Sebastian asked his grand grand Mother :
- Are you comfortable? Just tell me, if you need something.
The Table was decorated by Ingelin. She does how do do it.Allmost unseen, but without, the Table would have looked naked.

Sebastian - grand grand child #3 from right. The only one but my Mother with a paper Crown.
(We all ended up with paper crowns. Before we left at around 11 pm.)

Ingelin, have you eaten too much? Kaya is anxious... Papa as well ;-))

And of course Kaya had to give a toast - my brother to the right understood as well, even Turkish.

The Dining Table at the end. LOL
My mother promised to see Ingelins Baby, and she are really looking forward to meet Kaya's parents.
Time for Gifts
What is this?
Seb wonders, my brother seems to think about something else, while my Mother have listened to a good joke. You see?

Here is Kaya - giving my Mother 90 roses
My mother told me a secret:
If I had been the age of Ingelin, I would have done my best to capture this beautiful and wonderful young man. He has all the Qualities a woman looks for. That was what my Mother said said to me.

Here, the Birthday Cake (one of them)

Then we neede a short break and went out on the Balconny. Here you see the South View.
However, we did also celebrate Ingelin's BD. 
Firstgift: A book with Cat Cartoons. No words. Then Kaya can write the text in German and Turkish and Ingelin in Norwegian and what so ever other languages;-))

Here, another present -
(Private collection - can only be bought one place within 90 Days a Year)
Private: Z and H, do you hear? My Mother are eager to see you soon.More to come....
This Weeks ABC-CLabels: 90, Birthday, blog, family, ingelin, party, toraa