In fact for 4 generations.
So what to serve? hehe, at least 3 dishes we figured out. Actually it ended with 4 plus plus.
We are a hopeless Family in the sense of allways having mutual fun.
Love the setting around the 100 year old Family Table. And beeing together and have a good time. Enjoing every second.
Have you, my dear reader, experienced a 4 G Familiy Dinner?
And even with your X as well? ---- I call it the Global Family. As we are in Cyber World.
Here is the Table, before we "attacked".
Ruben (40) preparing for the Appetizer

Appetizer, this year as last year - on my BD - was shrimps and crawfish in jelly with remoulade, green leafes (French Feld) and seaweed crispy bread (from Sweden) with Normandy Butter, white wine from New Zealand and Voss Water from Norway. What a mix.
We then had a pause. Seb - the Master of Balloon kicking (not only kicking: Bang bang)

Main Dish: Confite de Canard - Conserved Ducks in Jelly and you see the rest

Balloons - wow
Another pause - Seb and papa preparing the surprises. haha - we kept it as as secret - for a while.....
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Cheeze of course. 3 diffents from local Norwegian Farmers. Expensive but, what delicassies. Heavenly. But, since these cheeses are only available very locally - no photos. Must visit Norway to feel this wonderful tastes---

Yet another pause. Grandson with my Mother

Rasberries from our Summerhome with premium vanilla icecream.
Chocolade Cake

Chocolade Cake and
Apple Cake (Family recipie - advanced by my Brother).

Anna - making Coffee alone?
HAHA - Seb is there to help.
Hallo all of you, he says - and feel safe with his grand grand ma

B D party - we allways have a great time when to celebrate

Served with Coffee and white and brown Calvados (Apple liquer). Genuine Vanilla Ice Cream topped with hip-extract (from our Summerhouse - dry -bake - conserve-cook and use the juice

gave Seb a "Book" with blank pages. Paper made for Aquarels. Everybody had to do a drawing and a poem.
As a Gift for me - then later a Heritage for him (Seb)

Here is Ruben (means: See, a Son) reading from our homemade poems.
Then we watched photos from Solvi's visit to Ingelin in Hong Kong and Thailand.
My grandson was all over.

Here is my mother, born 1919. I do think she had a great time.
In spite of her bad hips.
There was some leftovers from the Dessert - *giggles*
This is the Table after hours of pleasure. It's not hard at all to stove away. 'cause you have everybody's positive mind in your head, and replay their smile and laughter.

My Mother needed help . My son Niklas to the left and my Brother to the Right

Taxi - after Family Dinner

My mothers "best friend"It was a wonderful Family Dinner. We missed Mats and Lori and Ingelin. Hope we can meet again one time when my mother still are among us. We had such fun together. As we allways have.