The Ottoman - Viking connection
Baby Vagabond's parents met in Hong Kong. In fact they did work there. Not in the same company.
But they met there. And fell in love.
She is born in Norway. He is born in Germany.
Baby Vagabond was born in Norway on Sunday, October 25 - 2009.
Papa Vagabond's parents are of Turkish origin (Istanbul). Mama Vagabond's parents are Norwegians (Oslo) plus 12,5% of Swedish origin. Since the last 125 years. In the past 1.000 years, well, who knows but the Mothers... (But this time we know for sure)
The Vikings called Istanbul (Konstantinopel, Bysants) for
Miklagard. (In old Nordic language Mikla means Big - i.e. Big City)
It's even a famous resort/restaurant with the name of
Mikla in Istanbul. Also due to a Ottoman- Viking connection.

18 months later, we can all enjoy the result of their love.
My mother (90), whispered to me:
If I was Ingelins age, I would have catched Kaya).

Baby Vagabond was born in the evening of Sunday, Oct 25 - 2009. Here he is 6 Days old.
Both the parents and the rest of the Family in Germany and Norway was very anxious. The birth took so long, and we kept in touch both by SMS and Internet. Germany - Norway and vica versa.
On Saturday, October 31, all grandparents and the proud parents met and was thrilled by the new, common Famliy member.

Grandpa Hasan was very proud. It is his first grand child.

And Grandma
Zeynep was as well very proud. See, they communicate?

What about papa? He has reasons to be proud. Really. Within one week he became papa for the first time, and also got his dream-job. We know he is very lucky, and so is
Considering it was the first visit to Oslo and Norway for both Hasan and Zeynep, we had also to do something else but sharing baby vagabond in our arms. Here we are at a Shopping Mall in Oslo (Paleet at Karl Johan), with a cup of Coffee, Tea and Hot Chockolade.
Zeynep is a renowned Artist, as you can see here. So is Hasan, but in a different disciplin. Here they are as Opera-singers.

Her is the proud papa and grandpa walking on the roof of the new Oslo Opera House.
As they are both in the construction and land devellopment business, well, I thought they should pay it a visit, and also for them to have an insight in the exiting plans for the nearby Harbour environmements. New Museums, Library and appartements. A whole new Town.

We did of course celebrate baby vagabond when he was 1 week old. Best baby in the world and the best view of Oslo in the World. And excellent food at
Ekeberg. I had to explain the meaning of the place. Hasan speaks German and Turkish. The name Ekeberg is the combination of Ek and Berg. Ek or Eik (Oak) as we now call it in Norwegain - well see here in
Turskish. Berg is also Berg in German (Hill) - with other words Oak Hill.

Only some paths away, is the background landscape for Edvard Munch's famous painting:
The Scream -
Der SchreiYes, of course we did visit the Munch Museum in Oslo.
More paintings to be revealed from the Museum when waiting for the 2010 most fascinating blogger event:

Well, this is it. Some Photos from our Family Gathering here in Oslo this weekend.
More to come from here and there....
Labels: baby, blog, ekeberg, familie, family, opera, oslo, toraa