New ABC week. And P is the challenge.

Same object in both English and Norwegian beginning with the letter P.
Difficult ? There are simple lingivistic reasons for English and Norwegian similiraties. Just continue reading- If you don't have time, just bookmark/Favourite?
First about the Letter P
“P” represents the rhythms of life. This includes knowledge, which gives this person a keen insight.
Bright and clever, these people find a way to get what they want in this world. Not only are they shrewd but they have the intelligence to back up whatever
… read more
Origin of P is according to Wikipedia
The ABC-P challenge: Yes, it was very difficult.
Not the way you might think.
The challenge was how to limit the number of similarities.
Don't go wild, take it as a "lesson" ;-)) Or Summer School;)

Lot's of Photos this week will compensate for next weeks ABC-Q. OK?
(A very sad story)
If you think about Paris, Penis, Podagra, Pisa, Patriot, Portugal, Parasites, Perfume, Party, Pentagon, Politician , Prune, Prolog, Program etc etc... think otherwise. Translate here

See my Point – poeng - 12? This is a Pair - par. In many countries also accepted in real life, not only in Card-playing. I could of course presented a King and Queen as a Pair - par. Apparently something is missing in our deck of Cards. LOL. Maybe Permantly - permanent.
(Summer Lesson #1:
Many English words derives from Latin, like this one above. Others have the orgin from Germanic. That's one of the reasons there are so many common words and expressions)
Here we go with something that did have an immense importance for Norwegians in the 1700 h
.undreds (18th Century)

Potatoes – poteter - patatas. I think most of my readers do know potatoes or patatas origins from the Andes in South America. Some hundred years ago the Norwegian population at most survived due to the Potatoes. Every Sunday, the Priests talked about the value of the Potatoe.
They were called Potatoe Priest - Potet prest
In Norway to day, there are more than 20 different types to be bought. For different uses and meals. Those above are well down in the soil in our Summer Garden.

Also important is Rosa’s (one our Cats) favourite dry-food from Purina..
I cannot beleive how that big company can present such confusional web-sites. When searching for Cat food, they present a photo of a Dog.

Hm, many people are dependent of Pills - piller and fell asleep with their head on a Pillow - pute.

Sometimes calculations can be of value.
I do some research my self and then is Percent – prosent of importance. Who said what in a Quest. Understand?
Please now be prepared for some trips far away from Norway.

Talking about myself, I’m a Papa – pappa - Here with daughter in Key West, Florida.

We have been to Parati – Paraty in Brasil. The old town, at the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The village is build in Portuguese - Portugisisk colonial style. (Photo scanned from Slide)

Here you see the Pier - pir in Puerto Montt in Chile. We were there in 1994. (Photo scanned from Slide)
This is the main Fishing Town in Chile. Situated about 1000 km (630 miles) south of Santiago.
Go down from Santiago by bus. You will not believe the Comfort and Service. Then rent a Car and
discover an amazing country on your way back to santiago. And do not forget to respect the indigenous: Mapuches. They have never been conquered by the White Man.

And we did visit a Volcano in Northern Chile, on the border between Chile and Bolivia – Parinacota. 6348 masl or 20,827 feet – I must say: If you have the chance, go up there. You’ll never forget. At least to Lago Chungara. You will see Birds and Animals that only lives here.
Well, lets go back to Norway:

Something unexpected: Palms – palmer - Real or fake? You must visit.
Or read Mrs Lifecruiser post about the visit

As we do not have a bidet we use Paper – papir;-))
When time, you can read "History of Paper"
As last week, I’ll end up with something pleasant:

The Post Office - Postkontor of Santa Clause in Dröbak, Norway. Open Year around.
(If you send me your post address to my private e-mail address, you can expect a X-Mas card)
PS. Are you aware how many meanings "post" do have? If not, read more - Interesting. Also when thinking English - Norwegian.
Lots of pictures posted this week as well. There could have been many, many more.
You will without doubt find more here at ABC – in Words and Photos – ABC i ord og bilder.
The original ABC challenge derived from Denise Nesbitt from Yorkshire in England and Petunia brought the challenge to Norway
Click on this Link - lenke to see more fascinating ABC-O
I wish my Norwegian readers that this weekend will leave for Summer vacation the very best.
Have a great and well deserved time.
PS. It might be of interest where you are going this Summer.
We plan to go, by Car, to Southern France. An International Blogger Meeting. Hurray.
Labels: ABC, abc i ord og bilder, abc in words and pictures, ABC P, blog summer vacation norway holmsbu woman man, chile, Palms, Paraty, park, postcards, Puerto Montt