New week - new ABC challenge: (kommenter gjerne på norsk, svensk eller dansk)
The original ABC challenge derived from Denise Nesbitt from Yorkshire in England and Petunia brought the challenge to Norway; but since my Blog is written in a kind of English, I've given me a doubble challenge: The objects must begin with the same letter or sound in both Norwegian and English.
How about that? Do you take the challenge?
This weeks letter is H. Click on the letter to have some exciting knowledge.

As usual I try to find objects from Norway that begins with this weeks Letter in English as well as in Norwegian. Plus a story.
This week the words you will learn is as follows:Hest = HorseHouse = HusHome = HjemEasy or difficult?
Learn about Norwegian Architecture traditions - and home buildings.
Fascinating if you are
interested.All Photos this week are taken locally, only minutes walk away from our winter-home in Southern Oslo, Norway.
It is not Montana. It's Oslo South. Here you see Horse=Hest and Houses=Hus and thus Homes=Hjem.
Horses - after a looong Winter, they enjoy to be outdoor - Southern Oslo.
This Farm is owned by the
Local Community and is used mainly to activate young people in a neighbourhood, where the kids Parents do represent 98 different languagues. The meeting and care and working with all the different Animals (Horses, ponnies, hens, pigs, goose, sheeps, goats,
peacocks, cats etc etc) does align different culturel backgrounds to a unity.
About Norwegian Horses here
Early 1900-style house - Oslo Norway - Very common building style in the countryside of SE Norway.
More Norwegian houses here
Modernized house from 18xx - Southern OsloTraditional Norwegian red - also from the SE of Norway
Modern Houses (Villas) anno 2009 in Oslo South.
Do go visit other Nordic participants on the Letter H.
Enjoy the photos, most of them are far above normal standards, and you might comment in your own language.
Someone in the Blogsphere will understand and help to translate. OK?
You can even ask Google to translate for you. But I refuse to be responsible for the result. It gives you and idea but - hahahaha. I say no more.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Ha en flott helg (Norwegian)Labels: ABC, abc i ord og bilder, abc in words and pictures, hester, home, horses, houses, Hus, toraa