Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
August 31 - 2008 - Two years of blogging
You have learned to know me and my family and our pets and friends. In good times and in grief. The last 2 years.
What you all have meant to me by comments and private e-mails after my son Rubens sudden death can not be valuated with money and thanks alone. You gave me and my family strenght. To continue both life, work and relationships. You, me dear reader have helped me to think positive.
You know, I'm just back from the Hospital. I'm declared free from serious illnesses.
But, my thoughts now are with my Son and Daughter in Laws Mother in Michigan: She is seriously ill. Cancer - in a stage -¤#-%"- I say no more. God bless Gail. Let her live for many more years to come. She is a unique and wondeful, cultural giving person. She gave us all an unforgettable wedding for Mats and Lory in early August 2006.. (before I did start blogging). Not to forget all the concerts by South Michigan Symphony Orchestra which she gave me a free entrance to.
It would be very unpolite of me to here and now declare that some of you are more important for me than others during my 2 years as blogger.
But let me say this:
Renny was the one that not only once but repeately encourage me into this wonderful world.
I've met, beside Renny, two of you in person, flesh and blood: Mrs Lifecruiser and Suzann. And not to forget Diane - a wondeful person both of us learned to know the first second we first time met. And we have met many times and had much fun and good quality times together, also with her sons.
I've called and talked to The old Lady of the Hills (Naomi).
Gattina brought me into the world of Cat lovers. And with a very special sense of humor.
And - the one - that has invited us for a meeting next year in southern France, has inspired me to write and read French again ( I did visit France every year from 1964-1993)
And Lisa, who invited me for a lunch this August in Indianapolis area. I was so close, but had no chance when staying with my Son and DIL.
And all my friends in Canada, Asia and all over Europe, even in South America and Africa, not to forget Australia. And my family around the world.
I've written and got personal e-mails from so many of you my dear blogger friends, I'm flattered. And a bit ashamed - could be better to follow up. I'll do my best, when we are back in our Winterhome. In 5-6 weeks time.
Love you all. You have given me a new dimension.
Blog for peace and friendship
Greetings from
Anna and Tor ;))
Don't take life too serious. Be what you are. Self irony helps your health. Do what you can do and respect others, humans, animals, plants whatverer. Then you'll have a good and happy life.
Looking forward to meet you all, me dear readers, via blog, phone calls and in real life.
Thank you all for giving me (and Anna) a wonderful experience the past 2 years.
ooops - it's a never ending story. Right?
PS. I have not updated my blogroll for a long time. Excuse me for some of you that are my most trusted friends that are not still listed. I'll fix, early in my 3rd year as a blogger.
btw. Blogerfriends: I have learned so much from your blogs. An enrichment that can not be learned from any official publication.
I've even learned English and Spanish besides have had the ability to practice some French. My mother tongue is still Norwegian. So excuse my hahaha english and other linguistics
Bloggers: Let's rule the world, with peace and respect
Labels: beauty, blog, blog travel women, celebrations, hong kong beach bikini, international, photohunt, sex, terella, toraa, tribute
Friday, August 29, 2008
Papa went to his Doctor with a Cold and ended up in an Ambulance
One thing is Fever, papa told doc, but there is also some strong strokes, from time to time in the chest. Besides it's like the chest is laying down in Nettle - it Burns.
EKG - Bloodsamples.
EKG: Might have been a light heart attack.
hmmm - more Bloodsamples. Bloodpressure. Repeating.
Talking. New strange strokes.
New EKG. Not possible to inteprete the results. Papa pale as new Snow.
Ambulance were called for.
Papa was on his way to the Hospital. In an Ambulance for the first time in his life.
Papa at the Observation Post. Photo taken by Ingelin.
Lot's of support from Family, Work and Friends. Thanks for thinking about papa.
Tests of all kinds for 50 hours. EKG, Blood, Bloodpressure, x-rays, urin, ultrasound, Gastroscopy(thats terrible), then "on the bike", testing loung capasicty. Still fever and hurt and burning chest. Arms have been picked with needles all over plus local anestesies and antiglycerin. wow. Sleeping, sleeping and sleeping. Wednesday - Torsday - Friday
Friday afternoon:
Heart: 100% perfect.
Lounges: 100 % perfect.
Cancer: NO
Gastro: Not perfect - Could that be the reason for the abnormals?
Sorrow (from Ruben's death)?
Well, this was papa's bed at the observation post. He left. Ingelin drove him back to Anna.
More test results to come next week. The good thing is: Papa can relaxe in more joyable surroundings than a Hospital. Next medical excamination will be on Wednesday, Sept. 3.
Have me excused for not beeing very active in the blogspehere until I know a little more.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday - Tuesday - Can't believe it - Summer Cold
We are both - bbrrrrr - having heavy Summer Cold that has hit the both of us, the kind that repeats itself - you know.
(Photo taken by Anna during her visit to Hong Kong in June/July 2008)
--- You need not TELL us you are Sick - we see it. That's the message I got.
--- Grrr - brrrr. It's true.
I'll see my Doctor on Wednesday. I will have a complete check. Not the "easy" type that allways tells I'm too well my age to be.
But I'm allways optimistic.
But this time; I have - may be, been too optimistic. Not taking my grief and sorrow in consideration. "Everything is Ok" - don't tell others about your loss (my Son)
I did learn a lot about grief when in US lately.
Had a looong call with Mr Lifecruiser in Sweden. And even looooonger with my dear friend Hakon in Southern France this evening and early Night.
See you all around as soon as possible. Take very good care of yourself.
PS. The Fall or Autumn is slowly arriving. Charming. With all what we can harvest from our tiny, steep Garden. The Sun gives us allready nearly 5 hours less light. The Cats still have a thrilling life outside. Our Blueberries - haha - Anna and papa did ate a lot, when we carried the firewood up the steep path. Haha - it's so steep even our vendor refuses to bring it up for 25% more paid.
The Grapes seems to be in good shape. And we have Apples for the next generation. Most of them will probably be given to Anna's students in down town Oslo. And, not to forget: Apple pies. And home made Chutney.

Apples from this tree will end their lifes in a Pie. For Kids. Or as Chutney.
More to come as soon as our fever is away
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Wrinkled plus Joy - all in one
As a contrary to Wrinkled: The Olympic Games - Bejing 2008.
You know Norway is a tiny Country regarding population: 4.8 millions. Only like a suburb to the worlds metropols- so to speak. So, excuse me while adding this appendix.
This Saturday Norway won 2 Gold Medals (Handball women and Javelin men with new Olympic Record) and 1 Silver (women taekwondo).
We did celebrate. I even bought a Champagne. After the First Gold Medal. These "girls" and their Coach have been heroes in Norway since long. And today, they, at last, won the Olympic Gold Medal.

Here 2 women with champagne for 1 gold and 1 silver - in the Womens Olympic competitions.

Here is the Fantastic Team. They played like Godesses. Have never seen anything alike in a Championship Finale (Olympics - World and European). Brilliant. They "smashed" the Russian theme that in the Final played like rookies.
Here is Nina Solheim - Silver Medal in Taekwondo

And Papa celebrates the Javelin Gold.

Andreas Thorkildsen won his second Olympic Gold in a Row in mens Javelin. With new Olympic Record. Here you see all the 3 medal winners.
We are 4 Cats and 3 Humans here this evening.
... More to come....
Labels: blog summer vacation norway holmsbu woman man, gold, handball, medaille, medals, olympics, photo hunt, silk, taekwondo, thorkildsen, wrinkled
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday Fun or Fear?
You know, I'm used to have People to control the entrence, not Electronic Alarms.
Just before 8 am this morning, opened the Door, tap-tap-tap etc and Alarm off.
- hm- why does it still zzzzzmmm?
And then - shriek - horror:
Oiooohooo shhhoooiseee ohahhaaa, wrrroom uuuhahhaauuuu
What a paralyzing Sound - I was chocked - stood there like a frosty Rock.
What to do?
Waiting for the Phone Call from the Alarm Company. I did answer. My name given. But, I had to give them the Code-Name. How could I remember? Vacation and Cold in between. Empty - papa - think - think
I murmbled and thought a bit.
Ha-ha Old papa did remember and even the right PIN for the Alarm. The rest of the Working Day: A pleasure.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Colorful TORsday
Labels: blog, colorful, farmers market, flowers, st paul, suzann, toraa, wordless
Peace and Human Rights - Wordless these Days
Why should Homo Sapiens be the most frightened Predator on this tiny Planet, when the same race have the brain and ability to create World Peace? Are we still animals? The most greedy of them all?
Wordless? More or less. Do visit - it's up to you to discover new blogger friends by reading more than this weeks WW post.
Labels: blog for peace, fred, human rights, love, Peace notice, politics, politikk, religion, wordless wednesday
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Meeting Cats on a Michigan Farm
I know their distinct language. What we talk about? Not what most humans think: It's all about Food. Give me food.
On the contridary. Cat's are way too much intelligent to such a primitive conversation. And do not forget, they can feed them self from Natures own Larder. More than urbanized humans.
My daughter in law, got a horse a year ago. A dream for her when she celeb's her 30 BD. Her beautiful horse is taken very well care of at a Farm, about 20 minutes drive away from where they live. I had to see her horse, of course (that will be another reportage).

But, what is a farm without (a White) Cat? Crossing power cords - miueew - have to check if everything is in proper order.

I have my servants. It's a part of Family Traditions and how to grow up on a real Michigan Farm):
"I check the power. You can relaxe (as allways you oldie)" - Miiehaa

Believe it or not: This is Ost and Moo's mother. She was only 8-9 months old when she was pregnant. Tiny, beautiful and very sociable. Miueeaawafarm. Which of course means, I live on the Farm and take good care of L's horse. Can't you see my will and Strengt? By the way, nice of you to visit me here, all the way from Norway. Your Son has told me so much about your's and other cats over the Pond. Seems they have a great life. Miuehurray
More Cats here Hi, if you do not love Cats, you can still read funny stories. Or?
And, if interested, you can learn something from this site:
Myth or? At least, you'll got rid of something you "thought" about Cats. Dare you click to hear the Miewww?
ps. still fever. my nose got a new name: Niagra Falls. I would have been a premium advertiser for tissues and Kleenex etc. So have me excused for not commenting. Miueew
Labels: blog, Cats, cats on tuesday, farm, fun, kleenex, tissues
Monday, August 18, 2008
First weekend at the Summerhouse since July.
A genuine Norwegian Duvet, some hot herb tea, hot chocolate and a good rest is a simple but effective recipe. I swet out the fever, and some fat as well. *giggles*.
This weekend, Anna and I was alone in the Summerhouse. Anna picked herbs and prepared them for Winter Storage.

Anna relaxing

Here a Zuchini from our Garden.
I repaired a step in our outdoor stair. Had planned to do more but the Lumber Shop was closed for the weekend before I arrived at 2:45 pm.
When I wrote Anna and I was alone, it's a truth with modifications. With four Cats around we are not alone. Rosa and Felicia. Stompa is still here on his Summer Vacation. And a new male Cat has taken Peder Fur's place (Peder has now taken his territory back from another Cat). They go very well along all the 4 of them.

Here Stompa and new Mr. Grey.
Papa went shopping again on Saturday. Back to normal. Had a pleasant challenge: What to have for Dinner? Suzann gave me two packets of Minnesota Wild Rice. And we had to test before calling her around Midnight (our local time). I ended up with Sea Wolf. Anna picked Marigold in the Garden (looks like Spinach with red Stalks and tastes heavenly) and coocked the Wild Rice.
Hmmm - heavenly. Our whole Dinner here.
Then we listened to the local Radio's Saturday Quiz program. We did not win anything this week, but it was fun. I was on the Air for some minutes.

We enjoyed Calvados and a cup of Espresso.
Suddenly we remarked something strange: What happens to the Moon? On a clear Night, we observed only part of the full Moon. Strange.

Of course, it was a partial luna eclipse. Could only see a tiny little stripe on the top for a while.
Then we called Suzann (Her weekend here). Both Anna and I could have talked with her for hours, but all great times have an end. I'm so grateful for my visit and to have learned to know such a great person and blogger friend.

Next day we heard our local Grocery Shop did burn down during the late Night. Police suspect someone put it on Fire. Tragic. Photo: Byggmester Larsen
Sunday I felt the Fever arriving. Watched some Athlectics from Bejing Olympics, 100 meters Final Woman - Congrats to Jamaica again (Gold and double Silver) and to Ethiopia on Men's 10.000 meters.
Have a great week
Labels: blog, Cats, dinner, friends, garden, olympics, summerhouse, toraa, Weekend
Saturday, August 16, 2008
PhotoHunt: Colorful - August 16 - 2008
This weeks Theme gave me a different challenge. Not to find, but to choose and prioritize among my Photos. I have Tons of Pictures that could by all means match Colorful. From Autumn Leaves via Tulip Gardens, Colorful Gardens and People to French Impressionist Painters.
Conclusion: I have to post three, very different:

The mens 100 meters final in the Olympics today. The Winner, Usain Bolt, from Jamaica was the most colorful and sovereign sprint winner I've ever seen. New World Record in a way so impressing and his Colorful joy/show thereafter - have not seen anything alike since Bob Beamons legendaric 8.90 meters in long jump in Mexico City back in 1964.

The second is my Colorful meeting with Suzann. Here she is at the Farmers Market in downtown Saint Paul. Blogging connects People.

My 3rd is from the Glass Painting in the Lutheran Church at St Olafs College in Minnesota.
PS. Click to enlarge these colourful Photos
More Colorful PhotoHunter here
Labels: 100 m, Beijing, blog, church, farmers market, flowers, olympics, photohunt, st Olaf College, st paul, toraa, Usain Bolt, woman
Friday, August 15, 2008
Garden Party in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

Last Saturday, Suzann had invited to a garden party. That was a surprise and a golden gift for me.

To meet all the wonderful friends of Suzann. Young and spirituel grown humans. And not to forget Suzann (Do papa adore women?)

Served in the Garden. It was nothing left - - -

Here we are - young and someone considered older

What did you say? From my viewpoint - hehe - what fun we had

Minnesota, USA, is Norse Land. See? Blonds. haha

Who is this Charming Lady?

Suzann captured the blonds
Left corner - relaxing

See, what a good time we had.

Suzann made this wonderful garden party came true. Marvellous Food and setting.
She is a person and woman-- can I say it here on my blog - everybody can read it: She is adore able. A very special woman with human and intellectual capacities far beyond average -
Suzann: My dear blogfriend, thanks for beeing invited, your hospitalty, the introduction to your old friends and new in Saint Paul - well I'm lack of superlatives.
Stay tuned it's much more to come from our Summer 20. 08. Even naked facts.
Labels: blog, blogger meetings, friends, party
Papa went Downtown Oslo and met friends on a TORsday
And Oslo is among the fastest growing cities in Europe. Just now. We have 4 seasons and mild Winters. Alpine slopes 20 minutes by metro up to the Hills. We can Swim in the Fiord during Summer. Art, Museums, Nature is also of course right outside. What more do you want? Golf? Horseriding, Bird watching, Canoing, cross country skiing/biking, Fishing, walking, Hiking, Art Galleries, Beaches, Viking history... come on tell me. I'm here too. LOL.
Friends. To share. To talk and listen. Enjoy - life.
I did this TORsday afternoon and evening. Planned before Vacation. The meeting.
Here we are at the first outdoor cafe were we met. You might know the person to the left? But who is in between the bloggers you might know?

Another view from "Stortorgets Gjestegiveri - The Back Yard. Charming 1700 century style.
Then we went another Place. Old buildings. Are we so old we can't go to a modern designed outdoor Cafe? The answere is easy. We wanted to talk, talk and talk. The modern cafes have to loud Music for us to have a great and memorable conversastion.

On our way to the new (old place) - we passed this outdoor cafe. 350 years old buildings around.

And right across, on the same Plaze - a sculpture - A Glove with running Water.

Here the 3 youngster are giving a Toast to the World of Bloggers.
We are in fact sitting in the Backyard of what was Oslo Town Hall for many decades. Very relaxing environments. We had Fish Soup for Dinner. Delicious. With Bread and Cold pressed Olive Oil spread directly on our slices of Bread.
What a wonderful evening with special and good friends in downtown Oslo (Norway).
More to come from my journey to USA and Sweden, so stay tuned for more fun and experiences.
Labels: beer, blog, friends, fun, men, naked facts, oslo, toraa, travel, wine
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Papa was invited to Farmers Market - on a Sunday
OK OK - Both of us are respectful people. We just kissed, when I had to leave for my Plane over the Pond from O'Hare to Europe. At 6:15 AM. My luggage is still in Bruxelles, due to a Strike.
So, this is a report, more or less Wordless on a Wednesday: Farmers Market down town Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA.

Every Saturday and Sunday the Farmers Market is down Town Saint Paul.
Just look at the photos, and you'll understand what a blast for me it was. OK?

Suzann, my beautiful hostess and blogger friend

Corns, carrots, cabbages and a corny photo
- Can a market be better than all fresh and organic fruits and Vegetables?

Choose your own favourites. I went allmost crazy

Tomatoe Season. First weekend with local, organic grown Tomatoes in St Paul area - 2008.

Organic Cucumbers. Make your own Pickles. Suzann's pickles were out of this world fantastic.

Farmers Market also have lots of beautiful Flowers

Joan bought these Flowers to Suzann

And Onions and yeah much more, see for your self. Click to enlarge and you'll see Suzann, Joan and Steve. Wonderful people.

A veggie Brunch, as only Suzann can make it.

wow, so many variations. Home made, organic Marmelades.

End of the Day - Cleaning up at the Farmers Market
More to come.... so stay tuned
Labels: farmers market, friends, saint paul, travel usa, wordless wednesday